Are You Ready to Become Fit For The King?
Being Fit For The King means being physically available to love God completely, let Him love others through you, and accomplish all He desires with you for His glory.
Fit For The King is a non-profit ministry focused on helping Christians discover timeless biblical principles that transform not only their bodies, but their motivations for being physically fit. Here are some of the things we know that Christians desire for their physical well-being. Can you relate to them? Hover over the statements to see what people are saying about the impact of Fit For The King.
Fit For The King is a non-profit ministry focused on helping Christians discover timeless biblical principles that transform not only their bodies, but their motivations for being physically fit. Here are some of the things we know that Christians desire for their physical well-being. Can you relate to them? Click on the statements to see what people are saying about the impact of Fit For The King.
They desire to be healthy and in peak physical condition.
“I recently lost 40 pounds in an effort to better steward the body and time and opportunities God has given me.”
– Rob
They desire physical fitness to be as important as other aspects of their lives.
“This journey is bringing healing and sanctifying me in ways I’ve never imagined.”
– Kris
They are looking for Bible-based and discipleship-focused guidance.
“Many Christians do not have a clear understanding of how the gospel impacts their pursuit of physical fitness.”
– Matt
read the full testimonial
They want to learn how to balance taking care of their own health while also helping others take care of theirs: especially pastors, church staff, and ministry leaders.
“Ministers sometimes need ministering to… a great tool to stay fresh and effective in ministry.”
– Cole
They would like to break free of the world’s extreme views of the body: One needs to be model–ready or it’s okay to be heavy and out of shape as long as the person is happy.
Because we understand these desires of Christians, our ministry helps you discover the motivation, time, and resources needed to become Fit For The King.
We are different from other fitness or nutrition programs in that we are holistic in our approach (1 Thess 5:23-24). We believe that the Word of God should be the foundation for our motivation to be physically fit.
God has called us all to ministry and we want to be ready to fulfill that calling. By treating your body as the temple in which God dwells, you will be physically able to take on what God has called you to.
Have you been trying for years to get fit on your own without success? Have you tried diet plans only to gain your weight back when you stop? Have you tried a personal trainer, special food, and gym memberships only to see them fall by the wayside? Fit For The King is here to help.
Fit For The King is the coaching and accountability missing from your failed diet and fitness regimen, and it is the gospel-centered coaching help you need to overcome persistent barriers to a balanced and healthy life. We believe that it is important to get to know one another prior to entering into a coaching relationship, so we offer a free consultation. During this time you can meet David, learn about the program, and ask any questions you may have before getting started.

The Fit For The King Ministry was founded upon the book Fit For The King: Your Health and God’s Purpose for Your Life and was expanded with the devotional book The Body Gospel: 30 Days of Gospel Truth That Will Transform Your Mind, Body, and Spirit. You can also stay up to date with Fit For The King and what we are doing through our Blog and Newsletter.
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Speaking Engagements & Conferences

David speaks all over the country at churches, on radio shows and podcasts, as well as at health seminars. You can also catch David on the Fit For The King Community Sessions where he invites experts who bring encouragement to your mind, body and soul from a Christian perspective. David also presents the annual INSPIRE Conference each January with nationally recognized speakers.
Group Fitness
Want to work out while being encouraged in your spiritual walk? Fit For The King Group Fitness Boot Camps are a great place to go! We have classes across the Des Moines area and are working to expand them across the country and to an online space. If you can’t attend a class, join our mailing list for a free online workout resource.